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In the past, people always treated plastic as waste when disposal, so plastic became a major obstacle in common waste disposal processing method, such as: Landfill or Incineration.
With landfill method, plastic is impossible to be decomposed in the earth, then resulting in unstable soil; the hazardous substances of plastic (Stabilizers or Pigments…etc) may also be dissolved to cause secondary public nuisance.
Due to ideal plastic burial ground is hardly to locate, previous main domestic plastic waste processing method is ---Incineration. However, plastic combustion will generate extreme heat which not only severe damages the furnace core of incinerator, but also produces hazardous gas such as Hydrogen Chloride, Hydrogen Cyanide…etc. which increase the difficulty of incineration method practice. This method is definitely not complied with the effective resource recycling principle.

In recent years, due to high oil price and environmental awareness, plastic waste recycling turns into a valuable business. The main reason is: plastic material melts in high temperature and solidifies in room temperature, which makes plastic a good reprocessing material. In comparison with other waste material, plastic is more valuable and economical.

Plastic waste needs to be reprocessed in several recycling stage after collecting and screening, besides that, the recycling method varies according to the different characteristic of material. In regard to this situation, Tsorng Yow Co., Ltd has developed a series of cleaning and pelletizing equipment for plastic waste recycling. Our recycling equipments contribute to the whole-plane construction procedure, please contact us for more information.
NO.13,Gongming 3rd Rd.,Tainan City 70968, Taiwan (R.O.C)
Tel :+886-6-246-4318